Monday, May 12, 2014

My Journey to Becoming a Professional Genealogist

With any journey there are a few things I need to do before heading out, like knowing where I am going and what to take with me.

First I need to decide where I am going.  In other words I need a business plan.  Being a former middle school math teacher I'm not quite sure what that means.  Thankfully there are plenty of websites to help me work that out.

Making A Living from Genealogy
You Want to Start a Genealogy Business
How to Write a Small Business Plan

Second I need to pack a few things to take with me.  This list seems to get longer and longer.  My first item though is education.  I have signed up to take classes on line to not only further my knowledge in better genealogy research skills but also in becoming a better business woman.  Another thing I have packed is memberships to several Genealogy Societies and Research Websites such as

American Ancestors
The National Genealogical Society
Genealogy Bank
Fold 3

These are just a few.  It can get kind of expensive but remember the old saying "you have to spend money to make money"  These membership fees and dues are an investment to better myself as a genealogist.

This is just the beginning.  I hope you follow me as I share my adventure.  If you sign up by email in the top right hand corner of this blog you will be notified by email each time I submit a new post.

Hope to see you in the comments section.
Until next time, happy hunting.

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